
初めましてのK様 お会いしてすぐのひとこと、 「密の部屋にお邪魔しに来ました」って…! ちょ、ちょっとK様〜! そのフレーズ、懐かしすぎて笑っちゃいましたよ〜! まさか再び耳にするとは…完全に優勝です。笑 しかも、私の日記をしっかり読み込んでくださってるのがひしひしと伝わってきて、ほんと感謝です! さらに、「機会があればペアにも挑戦してみたい」なんて… そんな胸熱な宣言、ノートに書いて額縁に飾りたいレベル! またぜひ、“密の部屋”の続き、遊びにいらしてくださいねっ After reading carefully, Shirafuji is thrilled Nice to meet you, Mr. K A word right after we met, "I'm here to disturb you in the dense room"...! Wait, wait, Mr. K~! That phrase was so nostalgic that I laughed~! I didn't expect to hear it again... It's a complete winner. Laugh Moreover, I can tell that you have read my diary well, and I am really grateful! In addition, "If I have the opportunity, I would like to challenge the pair"... Such a heart-warming declaration, a level that you want to write in a notebook and decorate it in a picture frame! Please come and visit us again after the "Dense Room"