
激しすぎたのか、帰る頃には完全に腑抜け状態 「明日、仕事行きたくない…」って、小声でボソッと呟くY様の姿がなんとも切なくて(笑)。
Mr. Y who was addicted to the pair trap
Nice to meet you, Mr. Y
The pair invitation by Shirafuji & Momo Tsukishima's strongest tackle duo, it was like a dream game development (although it's not a match!).
Maybe it was too intense, and by the time I left, I was completely out of my sense "I don't want to go to work tomorrow...", the sight of Mr. Y whispering in a low voice is so sad (laughs).
The reason why I feel too good is... according to the strategy
Please come and get hooked on the trap again at any time